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Four essentials of best clothing

Growing cotton fields in the non-clody weather

Number 1: Organic

We prioritize the utilization of Organic yarns and dyes in order to safeguard both individuals and the environment from detrimental pesticides. By sourcing Organic materials, we enhance the overall life cycle of our products, benefiting everyone involved, including farmers, garment workers, customers, and ultimately, the soil.

A person holding a bucket made without plastic, only steel and wood

Number 2: Plastic-free

We firmly believe that a life dominated by plastic is far from ideal. That's why we have taken extensive measures to eliminate all plastic components from our labels and packaging. Our commitment goes beyond that—we completely exclude polyester, nylon, and polyamide from our product range.

Two co-workers discussing topics while sitting in front of the laptop

Number 3: Ethical

Our commitment to establishing secure, pleasant, and equitable workspaces extends well beyond our main office. It encompasses every individual involved in our supply chain, including farmers, garment workers, and recyclers. We firmly believe in treating them with utmost respect and ensuring that they prioritize responsible practices.

Sheep with her herd

Number 4: Local

Our connection to the Mazovian apparel community runs deep, and we cherish it immensely. Every single one of our products undergoes the entire production process within the region, encompassing knitting, cutting, sewing, and dyeing, frequently taking place within a 15-mile radius of our office.

Smiling George Mcfly, founder of Deermood
From the founder
"Deermode has a clear mission: to make the fashion industry cleaner, one garment at a time. We strongly believe that putting the well-being of the planet and its people first is crucial. That's why we are dedicated to using non-toxic, natural, and Organic materials. Our goal is to be at the forefront of the clean fashion movement and bring about positive change in the industry."
- George Mcfly